Taking the Wraps Off: Discover the Top 3 Proven Ways to Get 1000 Visitors for Your Blog

Taking the Wraps Off: Discover the Top 3 Proven Ways to Get 1000 Visitors for Your Blog

It's a dream to have a successful blog with millions of visitors every month. Writing good blogs is just one part of the success. But promoting the blog at the right place and right moment is a crucial second part. There are several ways to promote your blog. Here's a 3 proven ways to grab the attention of potential readers.

1. Email Marketing

Despite all the marketing fads, e-mail marketing remains the most effective and cost effective channel to promote your blog. So, while writing your blog, start building the list of potential visitors to your blog. Once you are done with your blog post, you can definitely reach out to these people with compelling content and increase traffic on your blog.  

2. Have conversations with potential visitors

One of the best ways to get new visitors is to approach them on a personal level – both online and offline. Social media, as much of a distraction as it may seem, is actually a fantastic channel to get more people interested in your blog.

That's right. If you're marketing to the group of people who share a particular problem, they will be more than happy to hand over their money if you can solve it for them. That's the golden rule of marketing to follow at all times.

"Immediately, the question presents itself; how can you find them without wasting too much time and without manually combing through the search results or monitoring random conversations until your hair falls out? Well, there are a couple of solutions available, with one of them being Armada"

Set up the SmartFeed in three simple steps:

1. Select smart filter with buying intention

2. Enter the keywords

3. Test conversations and build SmartFeed

If you find the sample conversations too broad, you can always fine tune with 'Advanced Options'.

On the right side of the screen, so many people are asking for the best food blog recommendation on platforms like Twitter, Quora and Reddit. You can just pitch in your blog and get the subscribers without spending any dime.

The next step is to build a SmartFeed. Once the SmartFeed is built, you get any conversation happening in the deepest pockets of web around the keywords with buying intention.

Then, all you need to do is chime in by adding something of value to the discussion, and if you do this right, people will be inclined to check out your blog and be your reader without you having to push it. That's how powerful this is.

This is just a glimpse of what Armada can do for you. You can build SmartFeed to increase the number of readers for several other blogs. You just have to figure out smart answers for these conversations and you are good to go.

Of course, you still have the offline world, which is another potential marketing channel you can use. Still, the base principle is similar; you should find out where your potential visitors are hanging out and present yourself in the best manner possible. Be it networking events, workspaces, or even your local pub, your task is to get out there and socialize! You never know who might become one of your readers.

3. Get in touch with Friends, Family & Fools

Do you already have a network of friends, family members, or colleagues who you believe might be interested in your product? Reaching out doesn't hurt. After all, even if none of them are interested, perhaps one of their own friends is dying to find a solution you've developed. The possibilities are endless.

Based on the tips above, you should be able to reach the next milestone in due time. As with everything in life, patience is a virtue, so don't give up!